Saturday, January 19, 2008

January 2008

All is well in the Devereux household. I'm growing super fast, so I've slowed down a lot. My boys and Bri have been picking up my slack. The Dr. says all is well with the twins, they are getting big! Baby A is 1.2 lbs and baby B is 1.3 lbs. They are super active--I'm loving that part of it! I'm finishing off the semester, but then will be laying low for the next few months. The goal is to hold off delivery until mid-April, so we are doing everything we can to slow down and keep them with me and not in the NICU!

Luigi finished his wrestling season 8-1. He is a tough kid! Heiner is Heiner...chipper and happy for the majority of the time. Both have been helping paint the nursery..getting ready for their little brothers:)



Heiner's Baptism

Heiner's Baptism

How does my butt look?

How does my butt look?

Playin' hoops

Playin' hoops





Bike ride

Bike ride

Angellic Xander

Angellic Xander

Me and my sweets

Me and my sweets
Main street in Disneyland

My boys

My boys

Disney in January

Disney in January

Huntington Beach, CA

Huntington Beach, CA



Isaac grabbing the cord from my camera

Isaac grabbing the cord from my camera