Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer so far

Well, the babies had their 4 month check up a few weeks ago and they are both doing great! Xander weighed in at 13 lbs 13 ozs and Isaac at 11 lbs 9 ozs. They are both on the charts for normal 4 month olds! (Xan in the 28% and Isaac 3%) They are smiling and laughing and playing now...I love it! I've just discovered that Isaac is ticklish and actually chuckles...it is SO stinkin' cute.
We went to my dad's side family reunion a few weeks ago. It was great to see family, but hard at the same time. We are all missing dad so much, it was a definite gap in the family this year. Some highlights were the 300 ft. slip n slide, the swimming pool (Heiner was in all weekend), bb guns in the woods (Luigi), lots of cousins to help with the babies, and of course Joker, settlers of Catan and Hand n foot. We have an amazing family that has been getting together annually for at least 40 years now...I feel so blessed to have such a strong extended family.
We are going camping in Wenatchee this coming weekend. Hope the twins do well in the heat! Heiner and Luig fly home tomorrow...they have been gone for 9 days in Boise! I miss them!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Great News!

My sister Brynn and her boyfriend Chris just got engaged over the weekend! We are so happy for them...she deserves this guy, he is perfect for her.

We took the twins on their first camping trip a few weekends ago. We went to a KOA in Olympia with our dear friends, the Crothers. Thank goodness for our tent trailer! It was super hot, so the babies had a hard time sleeping during the day, but all in all did a great job.

The twins are getting chubby! Xander has to be pushing 13 lbs and Isaac is probably around 11 lbs. They are both such loves. Xander continues his love affair with food..he is quite passionate about it. Isaac is the calmest, most charming little dude. We still aren't sleeping much at night...but last night they both slept in long stretches (too bad they didn't sleep on the same long stretch!) so I think the day is coming where they can last longer through the night.

Luigi and Heiner are with my mom at her cabin for the week. I am missing my boys! The house is so quiet without them. It has been good for Brian and I to have more time together, but we will be happy when they are home again!



Heiner's Baptism

Heiner's Baptism

How does my butt look?

How does my butt look?

Playin' hoops

Playin' hoops





Bike ride

Bike ride

Angellic Xander

Angellic Xander

Me and my sweets

Me and my sweets
Main street in Disneyland

My boys

My boys

Disney in January

Disney in January

Huntington Beach, CA

Huntington Beach, CA



Isaac grabbing the cord from my camera

Isaac grabbing the cord from my camera